Friday 11 October 2013

Task 5 - Music Video Inital Ideas

In our groups we decided to brainstorm some ideas for our music videos. This picture shows the mindmap that we created.

Friday 4 October 2013

Task 4 - Camera Shots and Camera Movement

I have taken various images for the different types of camera shots:

XLS/ELS – Extreme Long Shot
It is used to take a lot of action and scene shots that are taking place and it also helps to set the scene or location. My example of an extreme long shot is above.
LS – Long Shot
This is normally of a person from head to toe, this helps to identify the character and where they are in the scene. It allows you to see more of the character.
MS – Mid Shot
This is normally from the torso up, it shows the subject in more detail, used to give a better impression of the character.
CU – Close Up 
This is normally of the face and head, and is very close up up. These type of shots are used to show the emotion of the character.
XCU/EXU – Extreme Close Up

This is normally of the eye, these type of shots are not used very much, they would be used to show emotion, such as someone crying. 
Two Shot – Two people in one shot

This is when two people are in one shot together, these type of shots are often used to show relationship between two people.

Camera Movement

In groups we took videos of different camera movements, we filmed clips using the movements tilt, zoom, pan and tracking.