Friday 17 January 2014

Task 10 - Production Diary

Production Diary

Name: Emily Hackett


Sheet no. _____ .

Date: 15/11/2013

Location: Gateshead
Time (from – to):


Personal Roles & Responsibilities Undertaken:
I have completed some tasks that needed finishing off such as Task 4 where I had to add on my film clip of film movement and Task 5 where I had to reduce the size of one of my images. I also had to finish of task 6 which was a Powerpoint of our ideas.

Brief Description of Experiences: (including problems encountered, teamwork, & what had been learned)
I have learnt that I must keep on top of my work and always keep it updated and to keep checking where I am with my work.
Next week I am going to carry on and begin on task 7.


Time (from – to):


Personal Roles & Responsibilities Undertaken:
I have finished off editing our final music video using final cut pro. It was good to see the final video after only seeing short clips.

Brief Description of Experiences: (including problems encountered, teamwork, & what had been learned)
We worked together as a team picking out different clips from the videos we took at the party, we then decided where to put them and how we wanted the final video to look. It was good to see the whole video after placing in short clips. I learnt how to use final cut pro properly and was able to edit the whole video together.

Production Diary


Time (from – to):


Personal Roles & Responsibilities Undertaken:

I added more to my pre-production by finishing off my risk assessments, call lists and storyboards.

Brief Description of Experiences: (including problems encountered, teamwork, & what had been learned)

This was preparation for our music video, we worked together as a team by all having a certain task to do. We delegated each piece of work to someone so we could get things done quicker. It helped us to work together and we didn’t encounter any major problems.


Time (from – to):


Personal Roles & Responsibilities Undertaken:

I finished off task 7 on my blog and also began my evaluation.

Brief Description of Experiences: (including problems encountered, teamwork, & what had been learned)

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